
ABIServizi SpA has once again organised this year’s exhibition of payment systems.

Comelli Vacca Studio Legale Tributario supported ABIServizi S.p.A. in the organization of the 2024 edition of the “Payments Exhibition”. ABIServizi S.p.A. has organised the 2024 edition of the “Salone dei Pagamenti” held in Milan on the 27th, 28th and 29th November 2024. The event, promoted by ABI and organised by ABIServizi through the ABIEventi division, is an international event on payment innovation that can bring together institutions, banks, national and international operators, digital companies, start-ups…

Comelli Vacca wins before the Court of Civitavecchia on derivative financial instruments

Gruppo Claudio vince in materia di strumenti finanziari derivati The Court of Civitavecchia, with judgment No. 205/2024, granted the claims brought by Gruppo Claudio S.r.l., a company operating in the clothing sector that went bankrupt in 2013, which, with the authorisation of the Bankruptcy Section of the Court of Rome, was assisted on this occasion by Augusto Vacca, co-founder of Comelli Vacca Law and Tax Firm, and senior associate Silvia Sulli. In particular, the Court…

ABIServizi SpA hosted the 2023 edition of the Payment Exhibition

Comelli Vacca Law and Tax Firm once again assisted ABIServizi S.p.A. in the organisation of the 2023 edition of the ‘Salone dei Pagamenti’, held in Milan on 22, 23 and 24 November 2023. The event, promoted by ABI and organised by ABIServizi through the ABIEventi Division, aims to be an open innovation platform capable of telling the story of innovation in payment services, ranging from topical issues to more specialised topics and bringing together institutions,…

Jurisdiction in non-EU sales disputes

By lawyers Mr. Augusto Vacca and Mrs. Silvia Sulli and by Ms. Monica Vernillo The Court of Venice, in its recent judgment no. 1515/2023 of 6.9.2023, discussed the existence of Italian jurisdiction in commercial matters where the defendant is not domiciled in a European Union Member State. The dispute giving rise to the ruling had been brought by a company incorporated under Italian law that had brought an action against its former subsidiary, governed by…

Comelli Vacca wins for Metalmeccanica Fracasso India against former parent company

Augusto Vacca, co-founder of Comelli Vacca Studio Legale Tributario, joined by associate Silvia Sulli, assisted Metalmeccanica Fracasso India Private Limited in the litigation initiated against it by its former parent company, an Italian multinational company specialising in the design, manufacture and installation of road and site safety equipment. Comelli Vacca vince per Metalmeccanica Fracasso India contro l’ex controllante

Launch of the incentive “FRI-Tur” (“Fondo rotativo imprese turistiche”) for tourism enterprises, the facilitation measure promoted under the PNRR by the Ministry of Tourism and managed by Invitalia with the participation of ABI and CDP

By lawyers Mr. Augusto Vacca and Mrs. Silvia Sulli The Ministry of Tourism, in a notice published on 4 August 2022, had laid down the first application instructions for one of the most interesting implementation measures of the PNRR dedicated to the tourism sector, called the ‘Fondo Rotativo Imprese (FRI) per il sostegno alle imprese e gli investimenti di sviluppo’, provided for in Art. 3 of Decree-Law No. 152 of 6 November 2021, converted, with…

The authority called “Consiglio di Stato” reaffirms the legitimacy of the sanctions imposed by AGCM on the companies participating in the cartels in the cardboard and corrugated packaging sector

By the lawayers Mr. Augusto Vacca and Mrs. Silvia Sulli The autority called “Consiglio di Stato” is dealing with the numerous appeals filed against the judgments of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court (TAR Lazio) that confirmed the legitimacy of the heavy penalties imposed in 2019 by the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) on companies believed to have participated in the corrugated cardboard cartel or the corrugated cardboard packaging cartel. Some of these appeals were decided by…

COMELLI VACCA is confirmed as a partner of ABIServizi S.p.A. for the 2022 edition of “Il Salone dei Pagamenti”

Once again this year, Comelli Vacca Law and Tax Firm, with a team led by co-founder Augusto Vacca and including the associates Silvia Sulli and Roberta Fonte, has supported ABIServizi S.p.A. in the organisation of the 2022 edition of ‘Il Salone dei Pagamenti’, held in Milan on 23, 24 and 25 of November 2022. The event, promoted by ABI and organised by ABIServizi through the ABIEventi Unit, aims to be an open innovation platform capable…

Invitalia publishes the guide to the submission of applications to access the non-repayable contribution and tax credit measure for tourism enterprises

By the lawyers Mr. Augusto Vacca and Mrs. Silvia Sulli On 6 of November 2021, decree-law no. 152/2021 was published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic in order to implement some of the most significant objectives of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). This decree law and the support measures in favour of the tourism sector have already been discussed in a previous contribution published on our website. Following the publication, by…

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and the implementation of support measures for the tourism sector – Law Decree of 6.11.2021, no. 152

By the lawyers Mr. Augusto Vacca and Mrs. Silvia Sulli On 6 November 2021, Law Decree No. 152/2021, approved on the same date by the Council of Ministers in order to achieve some of the most significant objectives set out in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), was published in the Official Journal of the Italian Republic (Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana). The Law Decree entered into force on 7 November 2021. Articles 1…

International event on 26 of November 2021

On 26 November 2021, Prof. Cesare Glendi, Prof. Luigi Ferrajoli, Prof. Alberto Comelli and two other illustrious Colleagues will receive the title of ‘Doctor honoris causa internacional’ from several Latin American Universities, in collaboration with the Federación Iberomaericana de Abogados (FIA). The title of ‘Dottore di ricerca internazionale honoris causa’, which is very prestigious in Latin America, was proposed to Prof. Alberto Comelli for his studies on the theoretical profiles of VAT and, more generally,…

COMELLI VACCA once again partnered with ABIServizi S.p.A. for the 2021 edition of the event “Il Salone dei Pagamenti – Infuturiamoci”

ABIServizi Spa ha promosso l’edizione 2021 de ‘Il Salone dei Pagamenti – Infuturiamoci’

Negotiated settlement for the resolution of enterprise crisis

Edited by the lawyers Mr. Augusto Vacca and Mrs. Silvia Sulli Law No. 147 of 21 October 2021 was published in the Official Gazette No. 254 of 23 October 2021, by which Decree-Law No. 118/2021 on urgent measures concerning business crises and company reorganisation, as well as further urgent measures in the field of justice, was converted with amendments. This legislative measure, besides confirming the postponement to 16 May 2022 the date of enforcement of…

Renewal of the Private Pharmacy Collective Labour Agreement

On the 7 of September 2021 FEDERFARMA, FILCAMS-CGIL, FISASCAT-CISL E UILTUCS-UIL signed a hypothetical agreement for the renewal of the National Collective Labour Agreement for Private Pharmacy employees concluded on 26.5.2009 and, partially, already amended in 2011. The agreement reached must be submitted to the deliberating bodies of the respective trade union associations for final approval. The social partners have committed, upon approval, to formalise the final text of the agreement for the renewal of…

The New Italian Corporate Crisis and Insolvency Code is not yet ready to come out of the drawer

It is now confirmed that the new Business Crisis and Insolvency Code, contained in Legislative Decree No. 14/2019, will not enter into force on 1 September 2021. The Code should have already become part of our positive law, as it was intended to enter into force eighteen months after its publication in the Official Gazette on 14 February 2019. However, the serious epidemiological emergency caused by the spread of Covid-19, together with the particular sensitivity…

National Labour Inspectorate note of 16.7.2021 takes stock of the layoff blockade

By the lawyers Mr. Augusto Vacca and Mr. Giuseppe Lucchese The ban on layoffs for objective justifications, prescribed by the Italian legislature starting from 17 March 2020 due to the emergency caused by Covid-19, has been the subject of various legislative interventions, which have from time to time extended its duration and modified the number of beneficiaries. The preclusion was generally introduced by Decree-Law no. 18/2020 (so-called “Cura Italia”), but was subsequently amended several times,…

Comelli Vacca assisted ATS Sardegna in the transaction relating to the Nuoro project financing concession

ATS Sardegna trova l’accordo per il project financing di Nuoro da 1,1 miliardi

Tax process reform – Webinar 6 of July 2021

On the 6 of July 2021, from 15:30 to 17:30, there will take place a webinar on the reform of the tax process, organised by the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome and the Order of Lawyers of Rome. The conclusions will be entrusted to Prof. Cesare Glendi and Prof. Alberto Comelli will act as moderator.

Tax Process and Due Process – Conference 15 June 2021

Prof. Alberto Comelli, lawyer, delivered the closing speech at the conference entitled: “Processo tributario e giusto processo: riflessioni in attesa dell’imminente riforma”, which took place on 15 June 2021, from 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m., organised by the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome and the Order of Lawyers of Rome.

ABIServizi has promoted the 2020 edition “Il Salone dei Pagamenti – Payvolution”

ABIServizi ha promosso l’edizione 2020 de ‘Il Salone dei Pagamenti – Payvolution’

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